
Cookie Policy

Data being stored while using our website

We use cookies to store and sometimes track information about you, as a part of our ambition to provide tailored services on our website. A cookie is a small data file sent to your browser from a web server. It is saved on your hard drive and remembers your preferences to easier access the same page the next time of your visit. For example, a cookie is sent when you register information on our website.

If you refuse to have your personal information stored by cookies, you can configure your browser not to accept any cookies. However, rejecting cookies may reduce the functionality of our website. Most browsers include instructions explaining how to control the acceptance of cookies.

We use the following cookies on our website:

Supplier: Google

Type of cookie: Third party

Purpose: Performance and statistic

Storage period: Permanent

Stored data: Session ID and page statistic

Sharing: Yes

Changes in the cookie policy

If we change how we manage your personal data with cookies, we will immediately update the cookie policy on this website.

This cookie policy was last updated 1/12/2018

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